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Your gift is 100% tax deductible, and you can be assured of your investment knowing I Believe The Children Are Our Future work and staff have been recognized throughout the state and nationally.

Like many other child welfare agencies, we are funded by federal/state grants and private donations.
We are fiscally sound and have been since our inception in 2021. Your support matters to the children we serve.

Will you help us change the lives of the kids that need us the most?

Please donate to I Believe The Children Are Our Future today!

You are now apart of the FosterKidsRusVillage, and can become a member, just hit the member link in PayPal!

The perks of being a member is having access to the Facebook Group Page, which will allow you to see where you donation is going towards.  Also will be listed as a prominent donator on our page

We are excited, and Thank You from the bottom of all our hearts.

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