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  • Writer's pictureMonique Hardnett

Todays Blog


I was reading a book on child psychology and it was explaining that the number one thing a child needs to help build their confidence is the ability to adapt.

The book further explained that the ability to adapt starts with a child being exposed to a variety of experiences and environments.

That makes sense, right! I mean the more people, social settings, travels, and challenges they encounter the better their ability to adapt becomes.

When a person is just fine with adapting to an ever-changing world, quick changes tend to be less scary. The unknown to some degree is then okay!

So whether it’s going out for a sport, a change of homework topics, or a change of friends, a child with a variety of experiences will always have more confidence than a child who did not have that variety to develop the ability to adapt.

I found this very intriguing because of the ever changing challenges we present the children here at our organization. I take great pride in knowing and understanding that we are also helping them develop a sense of adaptation when needed.

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